How To Frontside 180 On Park Jumps
After learning Frontside 180s on side hits, it's time to take them to park jumps! In this tutorial we will take you through the Frontside 180s on park jumps progression, including everything from take-off to landings. Then, you'll be ready to stomp this floaty and stylish jump trick.
For even more great snowboard spinning tutorials, check out our Spins Series. If you're looking to progress your Frontside 180s even further, check out our How To Advanced Frontside 180 tutorial.
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood. Film/Edit: Vince Emond. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
Your Edges On Take-Off
Find a small jump, one that you’re comfortable with straight airs and grabs on. The major difference with spinning off a jump is that you need to use your edges for takeoff to grip from the snow and initiate rotation. For a Frontside 180 you can take off with either your heel edge or your toe edge. This tutorial focuses on using your heel edge which is the more common approach for Frontside spinning.
Nev taking off for a Frontside 180 using his heel edge.
Dropping In
Take note of where you drop in for a straight air and the speed you need for the jump. This is the same place you’ll drop for your Frontside 180 and you’ll use the same speed.
On your approach:
- Do one smooth toe edge turn carving roughly in line with the side of the jump
- Then, transition to your heel edge for a smooth carve up and off the lip.
This is the same entry path used for all heel edge Frontside spins. It’s the ideal approach line for a smooth Frontside 180 and will help to initiate Frontside momentum.
Leaving the lip with the perfect approach.
Leaving The Lip
As you leave the lip you can add extra momentum by winding up and releasing with your arms & upper body. Not a lot of momentum is required for a 180, they are the smallest spin trick.
As your approach line improves, the heel edge take off already provides some spin momentum and may be enough to get you all the way around.
Adding Pop In The Air
Remember to add pop to your Frontside 180s by flexing and extending with your legs off the jump. This not only gives you a better trajectory, but it also helps to initiate the momentum off your edge and makes the 180 come around easier.
The Landing
When jumping a Frontside 180, you’ll be spinning around to your switch stance. This means it’s very easy to spot the landing throughout the rotation. It’s ideal to land with your board as close to 180 degrees as possible with a relatively flat base and absorb the landing over your entire board.
The view you have of a Frontside 180 spin trick.
If you rotate slightly less than 180 then you’ll need to land with a slight heel edge to prevent catching your edge in the snow. If you rotate slightly more than 180 then you’ll need to use a slight toe edge. As your 180s improve, you’ll get the feeling of slowing down and speeding up your spin to position your board appropriately for landing.
Nev bending those knees on landing to absorb all the impact and ride off into the sunset with ease.
There it is, everything you need to know to progress your Frontside 180s from side hits to actual park jumps. Remember, the Frontside 180 on park jumps is all about the drop-in, leaving the lip, adding pop through the air and stomping down the landing. Good luck with yoru Frontside 180s and if you have any questions, let us know in the comments.
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Snowboard Addiction
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