Beginner Hacks
Learning to snowboard can be a bit of a frustrating endeavour. Here are a few snowboard hacks that’ll make learning to snowboard more enjoyable and will serve you well though your entire snowboard career.
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(Narraring/Riding: Duncan Mainland. Film/Edit: Vince Emond. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
Getting To The Hill
There’s a ton of gear to keep track of when you go snowboarding and just making it to the hill with everything can be a tremendous feat. To keep your hands free to carry snowboards, open doors and sip lattes, put you gloves, goggles and other such items in the sleeve of your jacket. They’ll stay warm and dry in there and your goggles contour perfectly to your arm for that sleek, dynamic look.
Looking sharp Duncan.
Bindings Face Down
When you do get to the hill and put your snowboard down they have a tendency to slide away, it's what they’re made to do! To keep your snowboard in one place (and prevent yourself from featuring on Jerry Of The Day) get used to always putting it bindings down.
From here, it’s ain't going anywhere.
Ice-Free Footbeds
When you’re learning to snowboard you spend a lot of time pulling your foot in and out of your bindings. Every time you do this you track more and more snow onto your footbed, which can eventually ice up, making it tough to do up your binding properly. Before jamming your foot into an icy binding, break up the ice with the ladder or buckle of your bindings.
It’ll save your gloves from rips and get you strapped in and riding quicker.
Don't Be A Hot Head
Snowboarding is a sweaty endeavour and you’re probably going to feel the urge to remove your goggles to ventilate your face at some point. That’s all well and good but make sure not to put your goggles on top of your head. All the heat coming of your head will steam up your goggles rendering them almost useless. Instead, put them in your handy sleeve pocket or an internal pocket when they’re not in use.
If your goggles are already steamed up, or you filled them with snow during a particularly awesome maneuver, pull them off and fill them with tissue paper.
Life Tip: Don’t rub the inside of your goggles! EVER! DO NOT DO IT! Most goggles have a protective film on the inside of the lens to stop them fogging. You wipe the inside of the lens, you wipe off the anti-fog technology.
Just place the tissue in there and stuff them into your jacket while you go up the chair. The warmth from your body will melt the snow and the tissue will absorb the moisture.
Boom! Some snowboarding hacks there to make your days on the hill stress-free and way more enjoyable. Let us know your shred hacks or if you have any other questions you'd like answered.
Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
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