Intern Explodes His Riding!
My Name is Tino Glatzel and I was the intern at Snowboard Addiction for pretty much this whole winter season. I'm from Germany and I'm 18 years old. I've had an awesome 6 month's Marketing Internship at Snowboard Addiction during my season in Whistler, Canada. I've met a lot of cool, inspiring people and exploded my riding further than I thought possible in this time. So I'll try to give other potential intern's an idea on how awesome my Winter 2013/14 season was.
Video Update
The following video was filmed during a couple of runs on my last day of the season before heading back to Germany.
I found out about Snowboard Addiction in 2009, when I was looking through snowboard trick tips on YouTube. Since I don't live in the mountains or even get to snowboard the whole winter, I became a subscriber of their Membership. From then on it helped me to progress further in the park, even with only two or three weeks of snowboarding each season!
After finishing high school last year, I decided to change my lack of spending time on a snowboard and wanted to progress to become a decent rider. So I asked myself, "Now I've got the time, why not do a whole season"?
While downloading what was the latest tutorial back then, I noticed that Snowboard Addiction are always looking for potential interns to help out, so I didn't waste any time and emailed them. I got a reply on the next day, and after a few more emails and a Skype interview, I got the internship position and was ready to go.
First pow of the season. Yeaw!
Coming into Snowboard Addiction as an intern I was clueless on what to expect. Also, what would they expect from me? What would they want me to do? I was really excited to meet Nev Lapwood and the team and find the answers to my questions.
On my first full day in Whistler, I instantly got in contact with Robin Hammond, the General Manager at the time, to stop by the office and get to know everything. From then on I was coming in every weekday from mornings till evening, before the season started, with tons of excitement to help out everywhere I could. Because of the awesome environment in the office, I felt like I was a part of the team from pretty much the first day. Plus, as a long-time customer I was really interested in the company and of course being able to meet and ride with Nev.
I really appreciated the work Robin and Nev have gave me, which kept me motivated to come in throughout the whole season. They didn't give me the usual intern jobs. I didn't have to make anyone coffee, they don't drink it. I didn't even need to clean the office, tie anyones boots in the lift line or carry anyone's boards. Instead, I was included in interesting business tasks mostly in marketing, but also front-end development, tutorial creations and being the "official" YouTube and sticker "manager".
Chairlift views, oh yeah!
On opening day of the mountain, I realized how sick being part of Snowboard Addiction team really is. From making breakfast in the lift line at 6 in the morning to riding pow all day with Nev Lapwood, it was the start of much more to come. After being able to keep up with the pace, I've got tons of days in, riding park and pow with Nev and his friends, getting to know the secret spots Whistler has, and even getting taken out sledding for the first time, which was a great experience.
Sledding in the Whistler Backcountry.
Getting the right tips from the team firsthand, is also included when interning. Riding in Whistler might make you feel uncertain at first because of the huge terrain, but knowing and riding with the right people, gives you the confidence to improve dramatically, and that's a huge advantage you will get while interning at Snowboard Addiction.
Due to the office hours being scheduled for late afternoons, being a part of Snowboard Addiction means you go snowboarding as much as you can, with access to all of the Snowboard Addiction content, even unreleased videos. This enables you to push your limits and progress to another level! Having Nev as a personal coach and mentor also encourages you to become a better and more diverse snowboarder because he helps you to reach your full potential.
Built a backcountry booter, it was sick.
My internship at Snowboard Addiction was without a doubt a once in a lifetime experience. I've gained tons of business knowledge in various departments, such as marketing, web development, creating the video tutorials and much more. Since it's a small, aspiring company, it's the perfect environment to be able to work with everyone on everything and being involved in important tasks and decisions. Giving me personally the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience on how a company is structured, how to create and manage products to make profit from and how to market them, while always being in direct contact with the customers. I've also gathered experience in being a part of creating the latest snowboard tutorials, whereby I've had the honour of being filmed by professional SA filmer, Ryan Kenny.
If you want to be part of Snowboard Addiction and are interested in an internship, don't waste time and do it now. It will complement your life with great, once in a lifetime experiences. I've had the best Winter of my life and will definitely come back in the near future to go snowboarding with Nev and his friends again.
Click here if you are interested in interning or working for SA!
Tino Glatzel
Snowboard Addiction
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding