How To Frontside 360 On Park Jumps
A Frontside 360 over a park jump is an awesome feeling trick and in this tutorial, we are going to teach you:
- The required entry path for a Front 3
- How to analyze a park jump to correctly execute a Frontside 360
- How to leave the lip and what to do in the air
- How to stomp the landing!
If you're looking for our other Frontside 360 tutorials, Your First Frontside 360s is a great one to start with.
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood. Film/Edit: Adison MacDonald. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
The Front 3 Entry Path
The ideal entry path for all Frontside spins is to set up with a heel turn, then a smooth toe edge carve towards the side of the jump. When you're at the set up point, get on another heel edge. This heel, toe, heel line of entry allows you to be on your heel edge as you leave the lip of the jump, but still fly in a straight direction while in the air.
Carving your turns on the approach, rather than counter rotating, allows you to keep almost all of your speed.
A Park Jump
Most park jumps have a downhill in-run and an uphill lip. The point of flat ground between the in-run and the lip can be called the setup point.
The set up point is key because it affects 3 important aspects of spinning:
- It’s the point where you transition from your toe edge setup carve onto your heel edge
- It’s the point you’ll be the most compact with your legs, as you pass through the setup you begin to extend back up with your legs for pop
- It’s the point where you start to wind up your arms and shoulders to prepare for a Frontside spin
Leaving The Lip
Right as you leave the lip of the jump, release your arms and shoulders into the Frontside direction. The major difference between a 180 and a 360 is the amount of rotation you initiate. The faster you release the quicker you will spin.
The Front 3 has been initiated on the lip. Stay compact for good style and try to tie a connection between your upper and lower body by tensing your abdomen.
Once you’re in the air, there is not a lot you can do. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the views.
The Landing
As you take off your head turns towards your front shoulder and will continue looking in this direction throughout the first half of the spin. The knuckle of the jump and your landing will then come into view, which you can focus on throughout the second half of the spin.
It’s called a blind landing because you look at the landing rather than the direction that you’re heading. As you connect with the snow, use your toe edge to help stop your momentum then once you have control, look into your new direction of travel.
The blind landing and toe edge grip are very important for clean landings of front 3’s. It allows you to ride away with style and prevent reverting or spinning out.
Want To Work On Your Front 3s?
Jumping 360s on a trampoline with the Tramp Board is great to practice for several reasons. It helps with the timing of your release, it will teach you how to follow through with your lower body helping and it gives you the feeling of spinning around a vertical axis then where to look for the blind landing.
Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
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