How To High Press & Blunt Slide
The key to most buttering tricks is a solid pressed position over the tail or nose, which can be held for a period of time. Not with the High Press or Blunt Slide! That's because these buttering tricks require you to lift off your front foot for a short but very elevated press.
If you've got this dialled, make sure you check out all our other tutorials in the Buttering Like A Boss series to be a certified buttery badass.
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood. Film/Edit: Adison MacDonald. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
The High Press
While riding downhill, rock your weight into the tail of your board, lift your front foot and see how high you can butter your board.
Don't worry about holding this position, just reach a high butter then relax.
The Blunt Slide
To step this up a notch, combine this high pressed position with a counter rotated Shifty. This is what we call a Blunt Slide.
A Backside Blunt Slide is the high pressed position combined with a Backside Shifty.
Backside Blunt Slide.
A Frontside Blunt Slide is the high pressed position combined with a Frontside Shifty.
Frontside Blunt Slide.
These movements are easier with a bit of speed and look awesome over rollers and other terrain features. The great thing about these Blunt Slides is that they are also a great way to kill some speed with style.
Final Tip
Don't try to balance in the high pressed position. You need to lift your board as high as you can while adding a little bit of counter rotation to your desired direction. The exaggerated press is only a short movement and the faster you are, the easier it will be. Have fun with it!
Want Even More Training Tips?
Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
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