How To Improve Your Backside Boardslides
We got the chance to catch up with some stoked Snowboard Addiction customers and fix some common problems snowboarders have with the Backside Boardslide. Check out what went down and how you too can take your Backside Boardslides to the next level!
If you've got the Backside Boardslide down, it's now time to move on to these harder tricks:
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
1) Lean Forward
The biggest mistake we noticed when snowboarders first attempt BS Boardslides, was that they were keeping their weight far too upright on the rail. This led to the base of the board not being flat on top of the rail.
The best way to keep your balance and get the base of your board flat on top of the rail is to:
- Lean forward
- Transfer your weight low
- Bend your knees
Nev demonstrating the ideal technique.
All rails and boxes are angled slightly downhill, even the ones that look flat! Street Style Rails are angled a lot more than others. The best way to maintain your balance on these is to lean forward at the exact same angle as the rail. This will allow to you keep your board flat and make those Boardslides effortless!
Stay parallel with the feature.
2) Counter Rotation
Another common problem with riders attempting Boardslides is that they are unable to get their board into a 90° position on top of the rail. If you can get your board at a 90° on top of the rail your Boardslides are going to look WAAAAY more stylish. The best technique to do this is counter rotation. This is where your upper and lower body twist against each other. You then want to UNWIND for the landing.
The best way to practice getting your upper and lower body twisting against each other is to use our Jib Training Board and Balance Bar. Practicing this technique on our training products will allow these movements to be engraved into your muscle memory.
Counter rotating into the Boardslide position means you are locked!
3) Weight On Top
The final but most common mistake we discovered with people trying to learn BS Boardslides, was that riders were having trouble getting their weight up on top and centered over the rail. Note: This tip is really only specific for Rails as it doesn't really occur on boxes.
The main problem that was occurring was that they were slipping off the rail on the same side as they were approaching.
To help you get your board up and centered over the top of the rail, its best to approach the rail at an angle, around 20° is perfect. This will help direct your momentum over the top of the rail.
This is not how to do it:
This is how to do it:
A great way to practice getting enough momentum to get your board centred over the rail, is to practice getting up and over the rail and sliding off the over side. Once you've mastered getting up and over, you will be able to practice getting your balance on the rail and riding it the whole length.A great way to practice your balance on the rails is to use the top piece of our Balance Bar with our Jib Training Board. The top piece forces you to jump that little bit higher and also challenges your balance that little bit more, helping to improve those Boardslide's.
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Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding!