Seb Toots Training At Maximise
We all know summer is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. But it's also the perfect time to improve your snowboarding... Wait, what? That's right, with our range of snowboard training products, Summer is the perfect time to get outside on your trampoline and get your tricks dialled for the coming Winter. Just take a look at how Seb Toots trains at Maximise...
Why Is Tramp Training So Good For You?
As Seb mentions, training on a trampoline allows you to:
- Dial in your aerial awareness
- Break tricks down to create the perfect replication of being in the air
- It creates a feeling of familiarity and muscle memory
- It's very good training, but more importantly, it's a tonne of fun!
You don't have to have won 7 X Games medals like Seb to shred the Snowboard Addiction Tramp Board, check it out HERE and hook yourself up with the world's best snowboard training equipment!
Tramp Training Board
Seb showing the versatility of the Tramp Board, using it on a jib setup to improve his jibbing skills.
So, if you're looking for a new summer activity, or looking to improve your snowboarding, get on a trampoline and strap into a Tramp Board to improve your riding!
Want Even More Training Tips?
Snowboard Addiction
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding