Crash Contest 2019: Summer Slam
This winter we ran our first ever Crash Contest and our fans delivered some quality carnage. With such an amazing response we decided to launch a Crash Contest 2019: Summer Slam! Whether you were pushing your limits in the spring conditions, caught a gnarly bounce during summer training or want to dive into your winter footage and find out what tomahawks you captured, we want to see it all!
Last Crash Contest we gave away a full training setup to our winner! This summer we're keeping the prize a secret but we can tell you that it's quite possibly even better than last time 😜

Here are the steps:
- Start digging through that old footage and find your most cringe worthy bail(s). We don't want to watch too much carnage though, so keep it under 30 seconds.
- Send contests@snowboardaddiction.com your best footage and a contact email (so we can let you know if you win!) Clips under 25mb can be sent directly to our email. Anything over 25MB will need to be sent via WeTransfer (follow the steps below)
Instructions for sending +25mb files
- Drag and drop your file into Wetransfer
- Choose send as link
- Hit transfer and paste the link into your email
- Send it to us at contests@snowboardaddiction.com.
Rules & Regulations:
- Contest runs from June 8th - July 5th 2019.
- Footage must be owned by the individual submitting it.
- In submitting footage, contestants are agreeing to said footage being used/edited for promotional purposes by Snowboard Addiction during and after the contest. *if you'd like to be tagged, please let us know your social media handle.
- Submissions should be of a single bail(leave it to us to put an edit together).
- Please submit footage in .MP4 or .MOV
- To be entered, footage must be submitted by midnight of 5th of July, 2019.
Need some inspiration? Check out our top ten bails from our first Crash Contest or see what you could win!
Sign up below to follow the best bails (plus get tips on how to overcome Jerryisms 😜)
Snowboard Addiction Team
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding