How To Backside 360
Backside 360s are the most important trick in all of snowboarding. The amount of things you can train with them is next level. If you see a homie shredding with a perfect backside 360 that guy can probebly do backside 1080s clean with no stress. This is Becaze backside 360s don't need perfect form to do, but you can get them to the point were they use perfect form. Making them the ultamate training tool for anyone trying to get better at Backside spinning. When i joined whistler Vally they made me do this trick for 3 months straght, and it fixed all my problems and made me the snowboarder i am today. In fact i still spend a lot of time every week working on this trick. if i can get a good 360 going i know i can get any of my backside spins that day. So grind this trick and get them as perfect as possible, becaze after that every spin is sooo much easier.
If you want to get even better at Backside 360s and boost your overall performance on the slopes, try out the Snowboard Addiction Tramp Board. It’s perfect for practicing jumps and improving your air awareness!
If you want to get even better at Backside 360s and boost your overall performance on the slopes, try out the Snowboard Addiction Tramp Board. It’s perfect for practicing jumps and improving your air awareness!
Plus, with ADDICTION+, you can access one-of-a-kind Private Online Coaching from Taevis! Get personalized feedback tailored to your riding style, helping you improve faster than ever.
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