5 Tips To Survive Your First Season In Whistler
Are you tired of city life? Have you just finished school and are looking to move to a resort town, for a fun break? This blog is aimed at helping you survive your first season in Whistler (or any resort town) instead of just hanging in there, like this fella.

Just Hang In There Bud.
1) Get Here Early
Speaking from experience here, the housing situation in Whistler is nuts! It's super hard to get a place in the winter season, so get there as EARLY as possible. Especially, in Whistler. Getting to Whis around August/September will maximize your chances and make your room hunting a lot easier. Not to mention, this also allows you to experience Whistler in late summer (it's rad).

Rainbow Park. Great views of W.B. and a great place to use the Jib Board and Balance Bar.
2) Get A Job
This is a MUST if you want shred and party hard. You don't want to be known around town as a full-time ski bum... Actually, kudos to you if you can pull it off!
Get a job anywhere you can, but also look at the benefits that different places have to offer. Many places in Whistler will hook you up with benefits such as a Spirit Pass (Half Price Seasons Pass) or if you're super duper lucky, a free pass as part of your employment. Having a good work schedule is important too. What's the point of being in a resort town if you have to work all day, everyday, when the mountain is open?
Best of all, getting a job will allow you to meet hundreds of new people from around the globe, making your season way more fun.
3) No Snow, More Party
In the first month you might notice yourself getting a bit restless. You've travelled half way across the world for the snow and it still hasn't fallen from the sky yet. What's that all about? Have no fear, Whistler has some of the loosest bars in the North West. You can try to keep sane by drinking beers, then dancing the night away. This will help you pass the time, as you'll be hungover all day on the sofa and partying at night.
Oh, and once the snow falls, the après ain't half bad either.

Après at Merlins, Blackcomb Base. #Loose
4) Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
I learnt this from my own experience. Don't be a d*@k and go hurt yourself in the first few weeks of the season; I wrecked myself on a trampoline 5 days into the season. Not good. You end up being that guy who mopes around the house annoying everyone with your clinical depression.

SA Intern Jake, 5 Days Into This Past Season. Thank God For Fifa.
Therefore, don't go send it super hard on the first day, remember it's a long season. Instead, ease yourself into it and THEN start sending it once you're comfortable and your body feels right. Odds are you will probably hurt yourself at some point, but just try make sure it's not for a stupid reason that could have been avoided.
5) Precious Powdahhhh!
If it snows, get up that mountain. You never know how many big dumps your going to get in a season, so they're super duper precious. It might seem like they are going to come every day in December, when there's more white powder lying around than at a Scarface house party but come late February, it might just rain solidly for days on end. So get up there and enjoy it while you can.
Now that you have read this, you're probably itching to come to Whistler (or any resort) and shred. So book that flight, boat, car or unicorn, just get here A$AP Rocky.
Jake Adams
Snowboard Addiction
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