How To Nose & Tail Grab On A Tramp Board
Nose and Tail Grabs take a little more technique than the four basic grabs we went over in the last tutorial, but it's because they’re a little bit further away from your hands. Check out this tutorial to learn all the tips on how to Nose & Tail Grab.
To see how you can take these skills to the hill, check out this free tutorial series:
(Narrating/Riding: Duncan Mainland. Film/Edit: Vince Emond. Filmed At: Whistler Bounce & Whistler Blackcomb)
The Trick To The Nose & Tail Grab
To make grabbing the nose and tail easier, you need to absorb one leg while extending the other. This will bring the nose or tail of your board a little closer to you. Try this technique without grabbing first.
- After you jump, extend your back leg and absorb your front leg to get the nose of the board closer to your hands
- Then try extending your front leg and absorbing your back leg to get the tail closer to your hands
- Make this movement bigger and bigger until your board looks like it’s within an easy reach of your hand
Sucking while extending.
Nose Grab
You shouldn't have to lean over to grab it. Keep your body aligned and balanced.
Tail Grab
For a tail grab it’s the exact same thing, except you’re sucking up your back leg and extending your front.
Difficulty Of The Tail Grab
The Tail Grab can be a little more difficult than the Nose Grab because you can’t see where you're grabbing exactly. If you’re having trouble finding the tail in the air, do a few stationary grabs standing up, or lying on your back to build the muscle memory.
Finding the tail of your board with even looking at it.
Boning & Poking
You can also get a hold of your nose and tail by first sucking up your board then boning or poking your leg out forwards or backwards.
- First do a big jump sucking up you legs
- Then poke your back leg backwards to get the Nose Grab
This techniques lends itself to a bit of a different style but looks rad nonetheless. Instead of the board going almost vertical, try and keep it parallel to the trampoline.
The same thing works for the Tail Grab, suck up both legs equally then poke your front foot forward to get a hold of the tail.
Both of these techniques work great, it just comes down to your personal style and how you want your tricks to look.
Now that you know how to practice your Nose & Tail Grabs, get them locked in and take them to the hill. If you have any questions about these grabs, feel free to ask us a question in the comments below. If you're looking to step up your training, now's the time to learn How To Tweak & Bone Your Tricks on a Tramp Board.
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