How To Do Change Ups On A Training Board
Change ups are hard to master, but they show your versatility, style and skill if you can put a sweet combo together! Learn how to stomp change ups here!
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood)
You will need these techniques down before trying Change Ups:
Practicing Change Ups off the snow is fairly easy. Strap in to your board and separately practice the 2 tricks that you are aiming to combine. Once ready, combine the 2 tricks by doing it all in one fluent motion. If you have a Balance Bar, this would be a great time to use it.
Biggest Mistake
The biggest mistake you can make when practicing change ups, is taking too long in each "section" of the trick. For example, a 180 on, 50-50, 180 off (same direction) needs to be done in one motion, but on a carpet you have time to wind back up for the last 180.
Fluent actions = style!
Trick Combinations
Combining these two tricks (Frontside Nose Press to Front Blunt) is sick! Try it.
Easier Tricks To Combo
- Tail Press to Boardslide
- Nose Press to Boardslide
Harder Tricks To Combo
- Noseslide to Tailslide (Because you have to jump over the feature)
- Tailslide to Noseslide
- 50-50, 180 to 5-O
Frontside Tailslide to Noseslide. BOOM!
Hardest Tricks To Combo
- Boardslide, 270 to 5-O
- 50-50, 270 to Boardslide
- Plus whatever else you can come up with... get creative!
Products Used
In this tutorial, we used our Jib Board, Training Bindings and Balance Bar. Click the links below to learn more, or purchase your own.
Saxon Farnworth
Snowboard Addiction Team
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding!