How To Frontside Boardslide On A Training Board
A Frontside Boardslide, simply called a "Front Board", is when you jump onto a box or rail while it’s in front of you. During this trick, the nose of your board spins over the feature, landing perpendicular to the rail with the rail centered between your bindings. Simply put, sliding down a box or rail with your board sideways, instead of straight on like a 50-50.
(Narrating/Riders: Duncan Mainland & Nev Lapwood. Film/Edit: Vince Emond & Adison MacDonald)
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Featured in this tutorial:
- Frontside Boardslide To Fakie (regular in, land switch)
- Frontside Boardslide Coming Out Forward (regular in, land regular)
Frontside Boardslide to Fakie
Start by spinning onto the Balance Bar the same way you would for a Backside 180, making sure you let your head turn with your shoulders as you jump. When you spin 90 degrees to get into the Frontside Boardslide, allow the board to continue to spin, bringing you off fakie.
Just Hop On And Let The Board Do All The Work
Once you start this rotation, it’s hard to stop. It’s going to want to keep spinning just like a snowboard would on a rail or box.
For good style, try to keep your board 90 degrees to the Balance Bar the whole time you're on it. To keep it there, let your upper body continue to rotate in the direction you jumped on, while keeping your board perpendicular to the Balance Bar.

Ideal Position For A Boardslide To Fakie
You might notice that you end up in a position similar to a Shifty. Using your core muscles as you pop off will bring your board back in line with your shoulders, landing fakie.
Flawless Front Board to Fakie
Coming Out Forward
To come out of the Front Board landing regular, the same way you jumped on, you’ll need to use counter rotation. You still want to land with the board at 90 degrees with the box or rail in the middle of your board, but your body position will be slightly different.
Notice The Counter Rotation Off The Box
Start by jumping onto the Balance Bar, turning your board using the same movements you would for a Backside Shifty. To achieve this, spin your board backside while your upper body rotates in the opposite direction, twisting through your core. Land twisted and hold this position so your board is across the Balance Bar and your head is looking down the rail.
Correct Body Position For A Front Board
Trick Tip: Try reaching for the nose of your board with your back hand to keep the tension going through your body. Hold this position the whole time you’re on the Balance Bar, you’re going to need it when you pop off.
Reach For The Nose With Your Back Hand
If you can’t get the board completely 90 degrees on the Balance Bar, try rotating towards the tail of your board before you jump on, as this will allow you to counter rotate even more. When you jump off, use the tension in your core and throw your arms back towards your tail.
Throw your arms toward your tail to pop off coming out forward
Practice both of these techniques on the Balance Bar using the Jib Training Board and fine tune them until they feel exactly how you want to do them on snow.
Products Used
In this tutorial, we use our Jib Training Board, Training Board Bindings and Balance Bar. On snow, we ride our Snowboard Addiction Snowboards.
Click the links below to learn more, or purchase your own so you can train your snowboarding all year round!
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Jordan Harrington
Snowboard Addiction
Our Goal Is To Improve Your Riding