How To Hit Park Jumps
The sun is shining and the park is freshly groomed. You're feeling good. Today is the day you're gonna' hit your first park jump!
(Narrating/Rider: Duncan Mainland. Film/Edit: Adison MacDonald. Filmed At: Whistler Blackcomb)
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- Coast: Ride directly at the jump, with your weight even on both feet. Let the jump do all the work as you cost over the lip. This is the easiest way to hit your first jump, as it requires the least effort and your body can stay in a stable body position throughout the jump. You just need to have your speed sorted and your body position in check as you approach the lip.
- Pop: Jump with both feet for more style and hangtime. This is a controlled way of getting more height. It's a progression step to the ollie/nollie and will help get your knees higher in the air (adding style).
- Ollie/Nollie: Jump off your back foot (ollie) or front foot (nollie) for the greatest airtime, height and style. The ollie or nollie is less predictable as it can throw you off axis if you don't time it right or perform the action correctly. However, if you nail it, you will get mad height and add individuality to your jumps.
- Faceplant: Head into the jump with your eyes closed. Plant your landing with your face first.
Body Position
A stable body position is the key to hitting jumps. If you are off balance when you take off, you will "soar" like a penguin.
Look over your shoulder. Hands are over your nose and tail
Leap Of Faith
For your first time hitting a park jump, pick a spot before the jump where you can drop in from. A nice straight line into the jump is going to give you a solid platform for take off and ensure that you have a more stable landing.
Trick Tip: Eliminate any last minute speed checks. Speed checks will have an effect on your balance and throw off your trajectory.

Once you land, ride away straight for few meters before controlling your speed. This will ensure all your balance is together and you're jump looks clean.
Moving Up
Once you have dropped in from that same height a few times and your starting to feel comfortable, it's time to move a little bit higher.

Snowman marker
Trick Tip 1: Make a ball of snow, pick a marker against the terrain (Eg. a tree or a roller). This way you have something to gauge your speed against the next time you drop in.
Trick Tip 2: Watch others hit the jump to learn how to judge your speed.
Guage your drop in each time you jump.
You've Got It!
Once you are comfortable coasting off the jump, start adding a pop or even an ollie/nollie at the lip of the jump. Adding this into your jump is going to make you go higher and travel further off the jump though so adjust your drop in accordingly. Now get out there and send it!

Snap, Crackle & POP!
Happy Shredding!
Jesse-Ray Townsend
Snowboard Addiction
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