How To Frontside Bluntslide 270 Out On A Training Board
In this tutorial we will teach you how to Frontside Bluntslide 270 on your training board, so you can take it to the hill and kill it! For an even more updated version of this tutorial, check out How To Bluntslide.
(Narrating/Riding: Nev Lapwood)
Adding a 270 out on your rail tricks can look sick! However, there's a few concepts that you'll have to master to make sure you're progressing safely and efficiently.
- Backside 360's: Check out our tutorials on How to Backside 360 On Park Jumps
- Frontside Bluntslide to Fakie: Check out our tutorial on How To Bluntslide
The physics between a Backside 360 and a Bluntslide 270 Out are very similar. To practice and get used to the motion:
- Stand on a carpet and spin a full Backside 360
- Now try jumping to a Bluntslide. Where you continue the rotation and flick the 270 Out at the end
When practicing on the Balance Bar, start by doing a Bluntslide to Fakie. This is an essential stepping stone. Using your Balance Bar:
- Wind up
- Pop to the slide
- Continue the rotation through the trick
- Come out switch
As you progress onto practicing 270's Out on the Balance Bar, remember that by opening up your body and carrying momentum through the trick you will have a much easier time finishing your spin.
Notice how Nev's upper body is continually rotating while he is in the Bluntslide position. This will allow him to pop the 270 Out.
The Key to stomping
The most common mistake happens just before you enter your slide. It is absolutely crucial to enter the slide while continually rotating. If any counter rotation is used, then it will be near impossible to flick the 270 Out.
Products Used
In this tutorial we used our snowboard Jib Board, Training Bindings and Balance bar. Click the links below to learn more, or purchase your own.
Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
Out Goal Is To Improve Your Riding