Stay Stoked!
Well, you guys down south have had a good run but with the start of October, comes the end of the winter season. So we figured, let's relive the highs with Snowboard Addiction's top 3 web-video's-to-get-you-stoked moments to come out of the southern winter this season. This can help us all to remember the good times we shared and forget the inevitable heat wave that is about to consume us all:
1) Marcus Kleveland: Perisher Parks
Marcus Kleveland: Perisher Parks from Phootstep Films, Boardworld and Scott Twible on Vimeo
Yeah, pretty much wherever he goes he will destroy; and it was no different on his latest trip down under. Taking advantage of every insane feature in the Perisher Park, the Nitro Snowboard team member set a new standard in park riding for all the southern hemisphere shredders to aspire to. This edit not only showcased his insane bag of tricks but also showed just how far snowboarding has come in the south, with parks like Perisher setting a new standard for all snowboard terrain parks.
2) Odd Folks // The Teaser
Odd Folks // The Teaser from Marcus Skin on Vimeo.
An interesting mix of shredders that are definitely pushing snowboarding in Australia and with their first full movie, they have everyone down south talking. These guys traveled around the world throughout the northern and southern hemisphere winters and it has well and truly paid off. This is just the teaser, but make sure to check out the Full Movie, it is definitely one of the best to come out of Australia in a long time and highlights the talent of upcoming Australian riders.
3) That South American Pow
Discover Chile With Jake Blauvelt from Collab Films on Vimeo
Discover Chile with Jake Blauvelt; A beautifully shot edit of Jake Blauvelt ripping the Andes a new one and taking advantage of all that El Nino pow. Jake has one of the best styles in snowboarding and it stands out as he rides insane lines probably never seen before. It is easy to see why Chile, and South America for that matter, are moving quickly to the top of everyone's must shred destinations.
Oh and for those of us lucky enough to be in the Northern Hemisphere, not long now...
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Alex McCann
Snowboard Addiction
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